søndag 19. desember 2010

Trening før frokost

Phys Ed: The Benefits of Exercising Before Breakfast

Ian Spanier/Getty Images
The holiday season brings many joys and, unfortunately, many countervailing dietary pitfalls. Even the fittest and most disciplined of us can succumb, indulging in more fat and calories than at any other time of the year. The health consequences, if the behavior is unchecked, can be swift and worrying. A recent study by scientists in Australia found that after only three days, an extremely high-fat, high-calorie diet can lead to increased blood sugar and insulin resistance, potentially increasing the risk for Type 2 diabetes. Waistlines also can expand at this time of year, prompting self-recrimination and unrealistic New Year’s resolutions.
But a new study published in The Journal of Physiology suggests a more reliable and far simpler response. Run or bicycle before breakfast. Exercising in the morning, before eating, the study results show, seems to significantly lessen the ill effects of holiday Bacchanalias.

For the study, researchers in Belgium recruited 28 healthy, active young men and began stuffing them with a truly lousy diet, composed of 50 percent fat and 30 percent more calories, overall, than the men had been consuming. Some of the men agreed not to exercise during the experiment. The rest were assigned to one of two exercise groups. The groups’ regimens were identical and exhausting. The men worked out four times a week in the mornings, running and cycling at a strenuous intensity. Two of the sessions lasted 90 minutes, the others, an hour. All of the workouts were supervised, so the energy expenditure of the two groups was identical.
Their early-morning routines, however, were not. One of the groups ate a hefty, carbohydrate-rich breakfast before exercising and continued to ingest carbohydrates, in the form of something like a sports drink, throughout their workouts. The second group worked out without eating first and drank only water during the training. They made up for their abstinence with breakfast later that morning, comparable in calories to the other group’s trencherman portions.
The experiment lasted for six weeks. At the end, the nonexercising group was, to no one’s surprise, super-sized, having packed on an average of more than six pounds. They had also developed insulin resistance — their muscles were no longer responding well to insulin and weren’t pulling sugar (or, more technically, glucose) out of the bloodstream efficiently — and they had begun storing extra fat within and between their muscle cells. Both insulin resistance and fat-marbled muscles are metabolically unhealthy conditions that can be precursors of diabetes.
The men who ate breakfast before exercising gained weight, too, although only about half as much as the control group. Like those sedentary big eaters, however, they had become more insulin-resistant and were storing a greater amount of fat in their muscles.
Only the group that exercised before breakfast gained almost no weight and showed no signs of insulin resistance. They also burned the fat they were taking in more efficiently. “Our current data,” the study’s authors wrote, “indicate that exercise training in the fasted state is more effective than exercise in the carbohydrate-fed state to stimulate glucose tolerance despite a hypercaloric high-fat diet.”
Just how exercising before breakfast blunts the deleterious effects of overindulging is not completely understood, although this study points toward several intriguing explanations. For one, as has been known for some time, exercising in a fasted state (usually possible only before breakfast), coaxes the body to burn a greater percentage of fat for fuel during vigorous exercise, instead of relying primarily on carbohydrates. When you burn fat, you obviously don’t store it in your muscles. In “our study, only the fasted group demonstrated beneficial metabolic adaptations, which eventually may enhance oxidative fatty acid turnover,” said Peter Hespel, Ph.D., a professor in the Research Center for Exercise and Health at Catholic University Leuven in Belgium and senior author of the study.
At the same time, the fasting group showed increased levels of a muscle protein that “is responsible for insulin-stimulated glucose transport in muscle and thus plays a pivotal role in regulation of insulin sensitivity,” Dr Hespel said.
In other words, working out before breakfast directly combated the two most detrimental effects of eating a high-fat, high-calorie diet. It also helped the men avoid gaining weight.
There are caveats, of course. Exercising on an empty stomach is unlikely to improve your performance during that workout. Carbohydrates are easier for working muscles to access and burn for energy than fat, which is why athletes typically eat a high-carbohydrate diet. The researchers also don’t know whether the same benefits will accrue if you exercise at a more leisurely pace and for less time than in this study, although, according to Leonie Heilbronn, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Adelaide in Australia, who has extensively studied the effects of high-fat diets and wrote a commentary about the Belgian study, “I would predict low intensity is better than nothing.”
So, unpleasant as the prospect may be, set your alarm after the next Christmas party to wake you early enough that you can run before sitting down to breakfast. “I would recommend this,” Dr. Heilbronn concluded

torsdag 16. desember 2010


Jogging utendørs 63 min (Bjorå fra fotballbanen)
Puls 159

lørdag 11. desember 2010

onsdag 8. desember 2010


Jogging tredemølle 4x4
Speed 14 kmh
Pause 10kmh
Puls 166
Totalt 40min 7km

tirsdag 30. november 2010

tirsdag 16. november 2010

Derfor er 4x4 det beste

Intervalltrening flere ganger i uken øker 
kondisjonen mer enn noen annen utholdenhetstrening, 
viser flere studier.- Glem «snakkefart» og prioriter intervall, 
råder NTNU-forskere.

Hva er den beste og mest effektive måten å bedre kondisjonen på?
 Hvordan trene for å prestere best mulig i
 utholdenhetsidretter som langrenn, løp og sykling?


Jogging tredemølle 4x4
Speed 14.6kmh
Pause 10kmh
Puls 162

lørdag 13. november 2010

onsdag 10. november 2010


Jogging tredemølle
2x4min speed 14.6
2min pause
4x2min speed 14.6
1min pause

onsdag 3. november 2010


Jogging tredemølle 4x4
Speed 14.6kmh
Pause 2min 10kmh
Puls 163

lørdag 30. oktober 2010

torsdag 28. oktober 2010


Jogging tredemølle 4x4
Speed 14.5 (14.6 ,tre siste)
Puls 163

mandag 25. oktober 2010


Jogging tredemølle 4x4
Speed 14.5kmh (14.6 to siste)
Pause 10kmh (2min)
Puls 160

lørdag 23. oktober 2010


Jogging tredemølle 4x4
Speed 14.5 (14.6 ...4)
Pause 10
Puls 157

søndag 17. oktober 2010

fredag 15. oktober 2010

tirsdag 12. oktober 2010

søndag 10. oktober 2010

fredag 8. oktober 2010


Jogging 4x4 intervall 2min pause
Speed 14.5kmh
Pause 10kmh
Puls 165
Distanse 7.1

tirsdag 5. oktober 2010


Jogging tredemølle
Intervall 4x4 ¨
Speed 14.5kmh
Puls 159
Totalt 7.5km

søndag 3. oktober 2010

fredag 1. oktober 2010


Jogging tredemølle 7.5km.
7x1min intervaller speed 16-17km/h

tirsdag 28. september 2010

lørdag 25. september 2010


Jogging  tredemølle 4km 17:15min (14km) puls 169.

torsdag 23. september 2010

tirsdag 21. september 2010

lørdag 18. september 2010

onsdag 15. september 2010


4x4 intervall trening eclipsemaskin
2km roing

Your Brain on Exercise

What goes on inside your brain when you exercise? That question has preoccupied a growing number of scientists in recent years, as well as many of us who exercise. In the late 1990s, Dr. Fred Gage and his colleagues at the Laboratory of Genetics at the Salk Institute in San Diego elegantly proved that human and animal brains produce new brain cells (a process called neurogenesis) and that exercise increases neurogenesis. The brains of mice and rats that were allowed to run on wheels pulsed with vigorous, newly born neurons, and those animals then breezed through mazes and other tests of rodent I.Q., showing that neurogenesis improves thinking
Link til artikkel her

søndag 12. september 2010


5km roing
5km jogging på tredemølle, 6x1min intervaller 30sek hvile.

lørdag 11. september 2010

onsdag 8. september 2010

søndag 5. september 2010

fredag 3. september 2010


Trening på eclipsemaskin 40min intervall trening program 7. puls 166.
10 mn romaskin intervall 30sek roing 30sek pause
Litt mage

torsdag 2. september 2010

mandag 23. august 2010

mandag 16. august 2010

onsdag 7. juli 2010

torsdag 24. juni 2010

fredag 18. juni 2010

torsdag 17. juni 2010

onsdag 16. juni 2010

tirsdag 15. juni 2010

fredag 4. juni 2010

Trening fredag

Trening med vekter biceps triceps og skuldre.
8km inline skøyter.

onsdag 2. juni 2010

søndag 30. mai 2010

Trening søndag

Jogging rolig søndagstur lysløypa 46:40min fra fotball banen.

torsdag 27. mai 2010

mandag 24. mai 2010

onsdag 19. mai 2010

tirsdag 18. mai 2010

Trening tirsdag

Jogging lysløypa 9km 55min puls 164 (43:30 fra fotballbanen)

onsdag 12. mai 2010

Trening onsdag

Jogging lysløypa 8.8km 55min puls 151 (44min fra fotballbanen)
Gikk tregt men kom ihvertfall rundt:-)

mandag 10. mai 2010

mandag 26. april 2010

onsdag 21. april 2010

tirsdag 20. april 2010

mandag 19. april 2010

Trening mandag 19.4.10

Inline skøyter 14km 50min 170 puls

Dårlig tenknikk styrke og utholdenhet.
God innsats 170 puls :-)

torsdag 25. mars 2010

Trening torsdag 25.3.10

Jogging 12 min lett, kjente litt i leggen
Ergometersykkel 45 min intervall puls 155

tirsdag 23. mars 2010

søndag 21. mars 2010

lørdag 20. mars 2010

Trening lørdag 20.3.10

Trening på ergometersykkel: pyramide 17km  1-16 16-1   50min

søndag 14. mars 2010

torsdag 11. mars 2010

Trening torsdag 11.3.10

Trening på ergometersykkel : intervall 45 min 15km 154 puls

lørdag 6. mars 2010

Trening lørdag 6.3.10

Ergometersykkel 30 min pyramide 1-16--16-1 Puls 154
Trening med vekter: biceps

søndag 28. februar 2010

torsdag 25. februar 2010

tirsdag 23. februar 2010

søndag 21. februar 2010

lørdag 20. februar 2010

Trening lørdag 20.2.10

Trening på ergometersykkel
20km 49min gjennomsnitts puls 159

torsdag 18. februar 2010

tirsdag 16. februar 2010

lørdag 13. februar 2010

fredag 12. februar 2010

tirsdag 2. februar 2010

mandag 1. februar 2010

torsdag 28. januar 2010

lørdag 23. januar 2010

torsdag 21. januar 2010

onsdag 20. januar 2010

lørdag 16. januar 2010

Trening lørdag 16.1.10

Tredemølle, 4x4 intervall trening 5% stigning 12kmh/7kmh

fredag 15. januar 2010

Trening fredag 15.11.10

Jogging tredemølle : 7km 37min
Ergometersykkel : 5km 11min lett motstand, høyt tempo.

torsdag 14. januar 2010

Trening torsdag 14.1.10

Trening med vekter: skuldre, 7km sykkel og 2km løping på tredemølle. Slapp trening i dag,var sliten.

mandag 11. januar 2010

lørdag 9. januar 2010

Trening lørdag 9.1.10

Romaskin 30x30 intervall trening + ergometersykkel 10km 23min

fredag 8. januar 2010

Trening fredag 8.1.10

Trening på ergometersykkel: 20km 50min
(3km oppvarming 15km intervall 2km avslutning)
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